I've sat here at my desk staring at the monitor trying to think of something clever to say for the last five minutes. Nothing comes to mind so I am going to say what's in my heart and mind. They say that you don't know someone until you have walked a mile in there shoes. Well this is your chance to walk with me as I take the next few months to find something I have been looking for. Here is the catch.....I don't know what it is that I am looking for.
Do you ever get the feeling that there is something more inside you that no one can see. Maybe there is a secret world that you have created in your mind that is more real to you than your day to day grind. That's what I am here to find out. Is there more to me than meets the eye or have I yet to realize that I am what I am and there is nothing else to give the world.
For those of you who may read this and don't know me here are a few of my stats:
I am a father to some amazing kids. I don't say that because I am bias I say that because daily I get surprised at what these kids can do. I forget to easily that as a child everyday is filed with 1st times and new experiences.
I am not a scholastic man, I don't have anything amazing about me. I am just a normal man of 28 that wants to see the world in a different light.
I have a High School education, a mid level career, and i'm married.
For those of you who do know me I issue this one warning. This is an outlet for me a place where I can say whats on my mind and do that without fear of reaction. I know that some of the things that I say here are going to hurt and offend some of you. I am not doing this so that I can bash or put anyone down. I want this to be a tool for you all to see who I am without having to look threw the haze of my bullshit or lies.
I love you all.
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